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When a pool or spa is re-plastered or re-surfaced such as patching & repairing ONLY, plan review is not usually required (unless additional work will be done at the same time, such are replacing suction covers, handrails, tile lines, splitting the main drains or equalizer lines, plugging up equalizer lines and installing autofil, etc…) however, a scope of work should be submitted to Placer County Environmental Health for review.

Pre and Final replaster inspections will be required

The following requirements can be found in the California Health and Safety Code (H&S section 116025) and California Code of Regulations Title 22 & 24:

1. Swimming pool shells shall be white in color except: the lane and other pool markings; top surface edges of benches in spa pool; the edge of pool steps; tiles at the water line; and tiles installed at the 4 ½ feet depth line. Spa pools may be light pastel color when approved by the enforcing agent. All materials must be submitted to Environmental Health for approval. (Section 3108B.3)
2. When a pool greater than five feet in depth is re-plastered or resurfaced, it is required to have a Depth Marking Line (or belly band), a straight line of slip resistant tile with a minimum of 4 inches and not greater than 6 inches wide of a color contrasting with the background of the pool shell across the bottom of the pool where the water depth is 4 ½ feet. (Section 3110B.3)
3. Stair risers shall be uniform in height (min 6 inches up to max 12 inches), each step tread shall be (min 12 inches up to max 16 inches) except the top step tread (min 14 inches up to max 18 inches for standard or regular type; min 21 inches up to max of 24 inches for triangular, concave or convex type), and the minimum width of the stair shall be 24 inches. Spa bench tread shall be min 12 inches to maximum 24 inches.
4. A hand railing must be provided over all stairs extending from the deck to the bottom step tread (minimum distance of the handrails to the edge of the riser shall be 3 inches). The height of the railing shall be min 28 inches up to max 36 inches above the deck and each step tread. (Sec 3111B.3). Minimum two handrails are required for spa.

Swimming Pool Re-plaster in Los Angeles,CA

Re-plastering your swimming pool is an important job – trust it to someone with experience and an outstanding reputation. We have been removing and replacing pool plaster for many years.

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